July 20, 2015
Lubbock, Texas - The Steel House

This house is one of the coolest empty structures we’ve ever seen! The story is that this part house, part sculpture was built by the architect Robert Bruno who started it in 1974 and continued to work on it by himself until his death in 2008. Although this property is owned by his family, this amazing three-story structure located in a suburban neighborhood over looking a lake remains unfinished and mostly empty. And apparently, so far there are no plans to do anything with it. Honestly, words cannot express how beautiful and unusual this building is! The 150 tons of steel…the spaceship design…the gorgeous lake it looks over…this house is hands down an amazing work of art! Could you imagine living in a house like this or any house that was meant to be a sculpture? Leave a comment…we would love to hear what you think!
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