July 17, 2015
Windmill Duo + Friday Link Love
What is better than one old fashioned windmill? Two old fashioned windmills, of course! Coupled with an old abandoned house, a ruin, and a really large tv antenna…we find these windmills to be so cool! In fact, we’re becoming more and more interested in old windmills as we continue our photography travels. We encounter so many of them in Texas, and they are becoming in our eyes…iconic symbols of farm life.
Have a wonderful weekend, and be sure to check out our favorite links from the web this week!
There’s something so beautifully peaceful yet eerie about these photos of abandoned plane wrecks in remote locations around the world by Dietmar Eckell! (article via Wired)
This photography series by Julien Mauve featuring images of people pretending to visit Mars is just so innovative and actually really cute too! (article via Ignant)
Bloom Theory has some seriously pretty camera straps…I love the ones with sequins!

Are there a lot of windmills in the rural areas in your state, province, or country? What do you think of these Friday links? Leave a comment…we would love to hear what you think!
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